Keep Dreaming......
The days of childhood are so beautiful. So innocent, pure, and happy. Happy you stay even when there is no reason to be. Even when you have problems and pain, you manage to stay happy and calm. I think it is just because a child always have a dream in his heart of a better and comfortable tomorrow. A future that he is going to build himself one day. A future that has all the comfort and happiness he wants. It is this dream of a brighter tomorrow that keeps us going in our darker today.
But this dream and this hope has its place in a child's heart only...because as we grow-up slowly the difference between our today and tomorrow starts to decrease. And as we come closer to our dreamt tomorrow we realise that it is much different than what we had thought of. Though it does not happen to all the people...but i think it is the case with most of the dreamers. For as the saying goes,"dreams never come true."
The things and the kind of life, with all the luxury, luck, comfort and happiness, that we dream of, exists in dreams only. The real life with real people and real situations has a completely different face. Things are not always or absolutely the same as we want them to be.
No, I am not being a pessimist here and i am not saying that we should not dream and shouldn't be hopeful about our future...but i think we should have a sensibility to understand these differences between the real and the imagined life. Because life just cant be as smooth and sweet as it is in our dreams...and even if it is..we would be first ones to complain and say..."how boring this life is."
If we know this difference well and accept this fact then we will not get frustrated and sad if we don't have what we dreamt of. And it cant be said that our present is bad just because it is not exactly what we had in our mind. It is not bad or is just different. And it will be what we make of it...good or bad, right or wrong, happy or sad. Because ultimately staying happy and contended with our life is in our own hands. Our true happiness lies within us. And again if we stay like a child at heart we can stay happy and calm, hoping and dreaming about a better tomorrow.
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